
10 Design Skills to Level Up Your Game in 2024

The design world is a perpetual motion machine, constantly churning new trends and technologies. As we already crossed January 2024, it’s high time for YOU to stay ahead of the curve. So, whether you’re an experienced designer or just a passed-out newbie buckle up and prepare to hone your skills with these hot picks:

Cross-Platform Design

According to research by Statista, mobile usage continues to surge, with mobile phones accounting for 54.8% of global web traffic in 2023 Mobile, desktop, and wearable tech – the lines between these are getting erased day by day with the evolution of design. 

Picture depicting the cross-functional platforms

Designing seamless experiences across all platforms is the new mantra. Think responsive, adaptable, and navigating across multiple platforms.

Voice User Interface (VUI)

VUI eliminates barriers posed by traditional graphical user interfaces, offering a more accessible solution for a wider range of users. It empowers individuals with visual impairments, motor disabilities, or conditions that prevent them from using traditional input methods.

The evolution of generative AI has made our lives easier, For example, Siri, Alexa, and their voice-activated buddies are becoming permanent residents in our homes.  By 2025, it is assumed that 77% of households are likely to have Alexa and Google assistance. Designers will have a lot of scope if they start building around this niche.

Extended Reality

Extended Reality (ER), as utilized by industry leaders such as Ikea and McDonald’s, incorporates Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). AR overlays digital elements onto the real world, enabling activities like virtual furniture placement. In contrast, VR immerses users in a computer-generated environment, like medical students practicing on virtual patients.

In the realm of UX design, Designers must concentrate on ER which demands a focus on 3D spaces, consideration for headsets and haptic suits, and adaptation to holography and spatial/audio augmentation.

There are also challenges that designers have to face to craft efficient and ethical designs for these interconnected experiences, By learning and implementing through these mixed-reality platforms like WebXR it can be a frontier where quality meets innovation in user experience.

Accessibility and Inclusive Design

In 2024, the spotlight on accessibility and inclusive design is not merely a trend but an imperative symphony for designers. It’s about creating experiences that resonate with everyone, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. 

Gestures are rapidly transforming user interaction, surpassing the impact of touchscreens. Intuitive actions like swipes and pinches become second nature, setting new standards for user experience. By integrating these gestures into mobile apps and interfaces, UI/UX designers can create intuitive and deeply engaging experiences that delight users. 

Recent examples like iOS’s “Back Tap” functionality, where custom actions are triggered by tapping the phone’s back, showcase the exciting potential of gesture-based interfaces. (69 words)

Image source: Forbes

Learning this skill ensures that your designs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional for a diverse audience. It’s the art of harmonizing usability, creating a world where everyone feels included in the grand design orchestra.

AI and Machine Learning Design

Imagine using AI tools like ChatGPT to generate initial wireframes based on user persona data, or leveraging Midjourney to create unique design assets that reflect current cultural trends. These are just a few examples of how AI is empowering designers to work smarter and faster in 2024.

How will AI affect UX designers?

AI is already being used to automate repetitive tasks in the design process, such as resizing images, creating responsive designs, and generating design assets. This frees up valuable time for designers to focus on the more creative and strategic aspects of their work, such as user research, prototyping, and testing.

AI can also be used to personalize the user experience based on individual user preferences and behavior. This can be done through AI-powered features such as:

  • Adaptive interfaces: These interfaces can adjust to the user’s device, environment, and preferences in real time.
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants: These AI-powered tools can provide personalized support and guidance to users, helping them to complete tasks more efficiently.
  • Content personalization: AI can be used to personalize the content that users see based on their past behavior and interests.

By using AI to personalize the user experience, designers can create products and services that are more engaging, relevant, and enjoyable for users.

The future of AI in UX design

The use of AI in UX design is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way we design and interact with digital products. As AI technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and powerful tools emerge that will help designers create even better user experiences.

Is there a downside to using AI?

It is important to be aware of the potential downsides of using AI in UX design. One concern is that AI could be used to create biased or discriminatory experiences. Designers must be careful to ensure that AI is used ethically and inclusively.

Another concern is that AI could eventually automate some of the tasks currently done by UX designers. However, it is unlikely that AI will ever completely replace human designers. AI is a powerful tool, but it still lacks the creativity, empathy, and critical thinking skills that are essential for good UX design.

Overall, AI has the potential to be a valuable asset for UX designers. By using AI responsibly and ethically, designers can create better user experiences and improve the design process.

Design Systems

In the era of 2024, designers are architects of efficiency. Design systems are the blueprints that eliminate the need to reinvent the wheel with every project. 

Mastering the creation and management of design systems liberates your creativity by providing a structured foundation. It’s like having a well-organized toolkit, ensuring consistency, easing collaboration, and allowing your creative mind to soar to new heights.


Effective storytelling helps designers convey their design decisions, connect with users emotionally, and gain buy-in for their ideas.

Design isn’t just about pixels and vectors; it’s about stories. In today’s world designers are storytellers, weaving narratives that breathe life into their creations. Articulating your design process is as crucial as the design itself. It’s about conveying the why, the how, and the impact. A compelling story not only engages users but also establishes a lasting connection between the design and its audience.

Strategic Design

With the evolution of generative AI, design isn’t a standalone entity; it’s a strategic partner in business success. Aligning your design efforts with business goals is akin to finding the perfect melody in a symphony. 

It’s about understanding the language of business and translating it into visually appealing, goal-oriented designs. Strategic design ensures that your creative endeavors contribute directly to the success of the larger business composition.

Data-Driven Design

Data insights about user behavior and preferences inform design decisions, ensuring designs are relevant, usable, and meet user needs. Around 4.6 billion pieces of design are created every day. What makes your design stand out is understanding and interpreting data to transform your designs into problem-solving machines. 

Data is not just a compass; it’s a guiding star, ensuring that your designs not only look good but also meet the real needs of your audience. It’s the art of infusing precision into the creative process.

Lean Methodologies

Embracing lean methodologies in 2024 is not just a choice; it’s a design revolution. Think agile, think efficient, think lean. It’s about streamlining your design process, reducing waste, and delivering faster than ever. Lean methodologies empower designers to adapt swiftly, iterate efficiently, and respond effectively to the ever-evolving design landscape. It’s the mantra for staying ahead in a world where speed and adaptability define success.

While these skills are universally applicable, consider how they might need to be adapted for different cultural contexts. For example, when designing for multilingual audiences, accessibility and inclusive design become even more crucial. Understanding global design trends can also give you a competitive edge in an increasingly interconnected world

Are you a new designer looking to break into the industry? Or perhaps a seasoned professional seeking to elevate your skills? This list caters to both, providing insights into essential design trends and practices for 2024. It’s an exciting time to be in design, and the opportunities are endless. So, what are you waiting for? Start learning, start creating, and let your design magic flow!

What other skills are you hoping to learn in 2024? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Start Learning Skills in 2024

While these skills are universally applicable, consider how they might need to be adapted for different cultural contexts. For example, when designing for multilingual audiences, accessibility and inclusive design become even more crucial. Understanding global design trends can also give you a competitive edge in an increasingly interconnected world

Are you a new designer looking to break into the industry? Or perhaps a seasoned professional seeking to elevate your skills? This list caters to both, providing insights into essential design trends and practices for 2024. It’s an exciting time to be in design, and the opportunities are endless. So, what are you waiting for? Start learning, start creating, and let your design magic flow!

What other skills are you hoping to learn in 2024? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below

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